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The Alberta Family and Social Services Day Care Subsidy is available to parents who need assistance to help cover the fees for childcare. Once the subsidy application has been approved, print a copy of confirmation and bring to the Juvenescence Centre Director within 2 weeks of registering.
All families with subsidies must provide postdated cheques or PAD for the difference between the currently approved subsidy allowance and the cost of their fee for each month registered. Parents are responsible for having their child attend the required hours to meet their subsidy obligation.
Any fees not covered by subsidy, will be the responsibility of the parent to pay. Upon registration, the first month’s fees are due in full and a credit will be applied to your account once subsidy is confirmed and received. All future months will be billed at the parent portion required after subsidy. If withdrawing from care, the last month of care is payable at the full fee and a cheque will be mailed to the family once subsidy is received and hours required for care have been met. This can take up to 3 months.
The Affordability Grant is for Children birth through Kindergarten. This program is provided by the Federal Government as they work to make childcare affordable for all families.
The full - time grant is $626 per month for children who attend care 100+ hours per month. For children attending 50 - 99 hours monthly the affordability grant is $225 monthly. Children attending part - time programs of less than 50 hours per month are not eligible for this program.
Any fees not covered by the Affordable Childcare Grants will be the responsibility of the parent to pay. Upon registration, the first month’s fees are due in full and a credit will be applied to your account once funding is confirmed and received. All future months will be billed at the parent portion required after the grant. If withdrawing from care, the last month of care is payable at the full fee and a cheque will be mailed to the family once subsidy is received and hours required for care have been met. This can take up to 3 months.
Parents do not need to apply for this program. Juvenescence will submit data to the government on your behalf to participate in the program.